

10% Off automatically added at Checkout - Sales Ends March 1st




GPS Address:

101 Cranberry Highway

Sagamore, Ma. 02561


We are down the street from Christmas Tree Shop and next to Flynn’s Irish Pub.


From North:

Go over the Sagamore Bridge. Take a right at Exit 1C. At the end of the off-ramp, take a right at the set of lights. Go underneath the Sagamore Bridge take a right at Adams St. At the end of Adams St. take a left, and then we are 300 yards on your left.


From South:

Go down Route 6 West (Mid-Cape Hwy). Get off Exit 1 before Sagamore Bridge. We will be 300 yards on your left


From West:

Go over the Bourne Bridge. Proceed around the rotary head East on 6A for about 5 miles. Go under the Sagamore Bridge. Take a right on Adams St. and at the end of Adams St. take a left. Canal Bait and Tackle will be 300 yards on the left.