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Hogy Peanut Bunker Jig

  • SALE
    Hogy Peanut Bunker Jig 2.75" 1oz

    Hogy Peanut Bunker Jig 2.75" 1oz

    We let nature do the designing on our new Peanut Bunker Jig. These tiny jigs are perfect imitators of baby bunker. It's flat sided body shape offers a seductive side to side wobble on a steady surface retrieve, great for targeting finicky Albies. When...

    Was: $11.99
    Now: $10.99
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  • SALE
    Hogy Peanut Bunker Jig 3.5" 2oz

    Hogy Peanut Bunker Jig 3.5" 2oz

    We let nature do the designing on our new Peanut Bunker Jig. These tiny jigs are perfect imitators of baby bunker. It's flat sided body shape offers a seductive side to side wobble on a steady surface retrieve, great for targeting finicky Albies. When...

    Was: $12.99
    Now: $11.99
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